\o/    Eldership Center Q and A

What's the why and wherefore behind this Internet site?

It is our belief that Biblical eldership has been completely misunderstood, misdefined, misapplied. The result of which has been unfortunate - even catastrophic. Eldership was to have been a core value in each church, family, and local community.

How have these great ideals been compromised?

These realities have truly been unrealized. If the identity of the eldership has been virtually unknown then the responsibilities of the eldership have necessarily been unfulfilled! An incalculable loss has been the effect.

Two revolutionary concepts remain to be discovered: Besides the (1) identity of the eldership, the (2) parity or equality of Christian elders must also be realized. Happily, these principles are beginning to gain acceptance in some quarters.

Who then are elders and what is there responsibilities?

As the word says so it means. Elders are simply and profoundly the "older ones" - nothing more. This statement is in perfect agreement with not only the Old and New Testament Scriptures but with Jewish and Christian history as well.

As for their obligations, Christian elders have been ordained by almighty God to serve as the guardians, guides, pastors, tutors, and mentors of those in the church and community. Every young person was to be raised and trained to assume the shepherding role of an older one or elder. What we refer to as qualifications to the office of elder are actually the requirements of every single older one! These are requirements for life and not conditions for an office.

Ironically, communities in places such as Africa and the Far East have a better comprehension of and respect for their elders than do modern saints in the West.

If these things be so why has it not been documented?

The truth is so plain as to the identity of the eldership that only a theologian could miss it. Unfortunately, theologians, for the most part, have set the stage for church structure and church life. This is about to change. And yes, this shift has been documented.